a specific Widget In a given page-when we are heading in a person's
blog, the widget display the blog looks sometimes replace-replace. For example, on the front page of A Wigdet, in other halalaman A Widget does not appear. What the hell ....
Displays A Specific Widget In A Given Page
Actually, there are several ways that is done by a blogger for doing so. It Means Showing A Specific Widget In A Given Page. Want to know?
a specific Widget In a given page
Here's how in General (these tips aim is beautify the look of the blog).
1. display the widget only on the front page (homepage)
< b:if cond = ' data: blog url =. = data: the blog. ' homepageUrl >
2. displays on all pages except the homepage.
< b:if cond = ' data: url! = blog. data: the blog. ' homepageUrl >
3. the widget only Displays in the page Archive only.
< b:if cond = ' data: pageType = blog. = " archive " ' >
4. display the widget on all pages except the home page archive.
< b:if cond = ' data: the blog. pageType! = " archive " ' >
5. display the widget only on the pages of the post.
< b:if cond = ' data: pageType = blog. = ' " items " >
6. Display widgets on all pages, except for pages of posts.
< b:if cond = ' data: pageType! = blog. " item " ' >
7. display the widget only in certain postings only.
< b:if cond = ' data: pageType = blog. = "-" ' posting addresses >
8. display the widget in a given post.
< b:if cond = ' data: the blog. " address pageType! =-" ' postings >
9. display the widget only on page staticpages.
< b:if cond = ' data: pageType = blog. = " " ' static_page >
10. display the widget on all pages, except the staticpages page.
< b:if cond = ' data: the blog. pageType! = " " ' static_page >
Note: the dot points above is the code widget that should be in place
For example see below.
Try your way to the world of Sarah. On the front page Facebook Fan Widget does not appear. Then on the second page when you click on an article, then Facebook Fan Widget to appear. To do that please try to follow these steps.
Displays A Specific Widget In A Given Page
1. surely you should open your own blog.
2. go to the Template Elements. Then click on Edit HTML
3. find the widgets that you hide (previously you had to install the widget in your blog).
4. Facebook Fan Widget, for example. Please search for "Facebook Fan" (use Ctrl + F to find quickly)
5. once found, it will appear exactly like the code below.
b:widget id = ' HTML4 ' locked = ' false ' title = ' Facebook Fan '
type = ' HTML ' > < b:includable id = ' main ' > < b:if cond = ' data:
title! = " ' " > < h2 class = ' title ' >
< data: title/>
< div class = '
widget-content ' > < data: content/> <
b:include name = ' quickedit '/>
6. next add code
< b:if cond = ' data: pageType = blog. = ' " items " >
before the code
7. Once added and enter code
before code
8. Then the result will be exactly as below.
b:widget id = ' HTML4 ' locked = ' false ' title = ' Facebook Fan '
type = ' HTML ' > < b:includable id = ' main ' > < b:if cond
= ' data: pageType = blog. = ' " items " >
< b:if cond =
' data: title! = " ' " > < h2 class = ' title '
> < data: title/>
< div class = '
widget-content ' > < data: content/> <
b:include name = ' quickedit '/>
9. complete. Save the Template of your blog.
Note: blue Letter is the code that you added. Remember satuhal, well don't get me wrong its placement. Should dovetail. Kalao gak pas, then error. To anticipate, preferably before you start langkahlangkah above, save the Template of your Blog first.
a specific Widget In a given page